I seem to have truly abandoned this blog. It was my outlet when things were rough, and I think since things have been so great- the need to write things down has changed.
But things are SOO GOOD! The adoption was finalized yesterday, and I am legally a mommy of 2 now!
These kids are truly an answer to prayer. While talking with my son (!!!) tonight, he brought up a conversation about God keeping his promises, and then about how sometimes we pray for things but God tells us no because he has something better in mind. I asked him if he knew my story of God telling me No because he had something better in mind. He smiled his sweet smile and said "Yes. You and Daddy wanted a baby, but God said no because he wanted you to find us"
He is so incredibly intuitive, and sweet. I am truly blessed. His sister is all girl, and a wild child. But she is also a nurturer. She is always playing with baby dolls and telling me "I am my baby's mommy". She often recreates scenes between her and I with her baby dolls.
I am SO blessed, and very happy with my little family. We are not done, and we plan to have more children, in whatever way God blesses us. As of right now, we aren't available for placements with DHS. We are going on vacation for two weeks next month, and when we get back- we are going to open our license back up again. Our plan is for 18months an younger, but we all know how *my* plans work out.
Some days I know I am not ready for a baby. I love my life, and I love how the dynamic works- but it's hard with 2 sometimes. They are always competing with each other. Adding another child to compete for attention and anything else, and I might lose it. But then I see a really cute baby, and I get baby fever all over again. And I want a cute squishy baby to love on and take care of.
So either way God plans it- I'm happy.
And for fun- here is a picture of our family at the adoption. This isn't the best picture, I am waiting for the pictures from the photographer.