4/09- Had IUD removed. Started charting immediately due to inconsistent cycles in the past and a hunch that I had PCOS.
6/09- Had a very long cycle with a 28 day period. Saw my OB to discuss the problems.
7/09- Ran bloodwork. Dr said she "thought" I "might" have PCOS.
8/09- First round of Clomid 50mg- no dice.
9/09- Talked to Dr to talk about failed Clomid cycle, and was informed that there was an abnormal pap from 6 months prior. I was never informed and the oversight was the fault of the Dr and her staff, and I decided that I needed to find another Dr because I couldn't trust her.
10/09- Stared seeing the new Dr. She wanted me to try Metformin because it had proved to help increase the effectiveness of Clomid.
11/09- Clomid 50mg- BFN
12/09- Clomid 50mg- BFN
1/10- Clomid 100mg- BFN I also had BAD reactions to the increased dosage.
2/10- Decided to take a break from TTC and get a SA and a referral to a RE.
3/10- SA results less than stellar, but RE isn't too concerned. RE ran several tests, including a Cortosyn Stimulation and a Sonohystogram. All came back clear and I finally got an official diagnosis of PCOS. Ovulated on my own with just Metformin.
4/10- Started 1st and only round of Femara. No response at all and decided to take yet another break.
6/10- Moved back to old hometown. Still on a TTC break
7/10- Started prometrium to start TTC again, but due to family health issues and travel concerns, I didn't take the Clomid.
9/10- Clomid 50mg w/ CD16 ultrasound. 2 Mature Follies. BFN
10/10- Clomid 50mg w/ CD15 ultrasound. 4 Mature follies. Almost canceled, but were able to trigger on CD 17. But still BFN
11/10- Decided to stop TTC and pursue adoption full force. My sanity and my marriage cannot handle the stress of the up and downs of TTC. We will probably go back to fertility treatments at a later date, but I am hoping I am done with Clomid for good. I've done 6 cycles, clearly something's not working.
1/11- Submit application for foster care/adoption.
2/11- PRIDE Training (Required training in Michigan for all foster parents)
6/11- Homestudy
8/11- Officially Licensed!! Licensed on Friday, Licensing worker called on Monday to tell us about a pre-adoptive placement. Lil Man (4) and Lil G (3) enter the picture.
9/11- Meet the kids, start spending quality time with them at FosterMom's house. It was a stressful 20 days, since we discovered co-parenting is very hard, but thankfully on 9/29, they moved in with us forever.
9/11- TPR on 9/29. Parents officially have no rights.
10/11- DH and I decide we are very happy with this process, and have no plans to ever go back to fertility treatments. We both believe that God will bless us with a pregnancy in his timing (and this is not out of the question for me medically) and until then we will keep our license open and possibly even adopt more children down the road. We don't ever want the stress of TTC again./
4/12- We finalized the adoption on Anthony and Georgia.
7/12- Got a call for "Junior" age 13months. Goal is reunification.