
Monday, August 2, 2010

New phones, family drama, and hospitals

That pretty much sums up the last few days in the life of Stephanie.

I managed to drop my cell phone into a glass of mountain dew about a week ago and although my phone worked for a couple days, after a while it wouldn't charge anymore.

I have the fabulous Verizon network and I was able to upgrade early, and as a bonus- so did DH. We both got LG Allys, since they were BOGO.

I love my phone, and I am actually blogging from it right now!

The day my phone stopped working was the day I had my meltdown last week. Shortly after my last post, I realized that my phone wasn't working. It wasn't the best week LOL

On Saturday, I was supposed to babysit my neice (who currently lives with me) and I was sleeping when my cousin Heather called me to ask me to go visit my grandma and check on her because she had been sick all night. I jumped up, checked that DH could watch Leah once Lisa went to work, and ran over there. I wasn't there long when I realized that she needed to go to the hospital. I was expecting resistance from her, but she was REALLY sick.

Several tests, a hospital stay and many drugs later, she was diagnosed with an infection in her bowels and will be here for a few more days. She is still pretty sick right now so we want someone here 24/7. Thankfully that isn't too hard in our family. My grandmother had 6 children and many grandchildren, so there hasn't been a problem making sure someone is here. I have the night shift tonight and was here all of Saturday. I am super tired and ready for thie to be over, but I'm feeling really bed for my grandma.

And I decided not to take the clomid. With everything going on it was just too much. I don't even have time to chart right now! LOL


  1. Aww, poor Stephie! I agree that it's probably not the best time for the Clomid, you've got so much going on right now!! *hugs*

  2. Yea for a new phone even though it means that your old one is broken. I'm glad that you were able to go over and check on your grandma and get her the care she needed.

  3. Hi Stephanie! I'm your prayer buddy! This is what I posted on my blog today:

    And I'm so honored to announce that my prayer buddy is Stephanie from Praying for a Family! I had never read her blog before, but within an hour of getting my "assignment" I had read every post she'd ever written! I've been praying for her in my evening prayers, at Adoration, and at Mass. I've prayed that she be blessed with the children she so strongly desires, that she have the strength to continue this difficult journey, and for her family (who she has blogged about as needing prayers). God Bless you Stephanie!
